Entity Framework Tutorials For Beginners and Professionals

Learn to Code with Practical Examples

A simple tutorial on understanding Entity Framework. The Entity Framework tutorials will be helpful if the user needs some guidance.

This Entity Framework tutorial series covers a series of real world examples of EF. This tutorial series starts with the basic concepts and then advancing with each step we cover other advanced features of Entity Framework.

The first place to start is with this excellent article Entity Framework Beginner's Guide Done Right

Until now. NET 3.5 developers have often written the ADO.NET code for the operations of the underlying database. We then have to create a Connection object in a database and open the connection then create a DataSet. NET objects for the purpose of the business.

Entity Framework Features

Entity Framework Core is a multiplatform framework running Windows, Linux or MacOS. It is compatible with many Linux platforms. Modelling: Entity frameworks create a data model (entity data model).

The models of EDMs are built from POCO (the original CLR) entities that have property of different data types. This model is used in the case where entities are searched and saved in an underlying database.

I go into more detail below, but one of the first major design decisions you need to make is whether to use EF's code first approach or EF's database first approach.

Check out both of those articles for an in-depth overview of the concepts and implementation of either. Personally I use database first as I find it provides me much more control of my models that EF generates.

Entity Framework enables access to databases via queries using LINQ. This LINQ query may be translated into SQL for database-specific queries such as SQL on relational tables. Entity Framework allows direct query execution of an SQL database query in the database.

Creating an Entity Data Model

Once the database is set up with EF6 installed on your application you must set up connection to the database. Entity Framework will also create the Entity Model (classes) correlated to the database.

You have successfully tied together a project database and created entity data models for your database. The problem is found in Solution Explorer. EMX files.

When you select a file in that folder you will see the EDM design. This displays all entities in your selected table in your database, along with their relationships. Note the table above has no relation with each other.

CRUD operations

Now it's important that we understand the Entity Framework. It is now time to understand DBContext and its tools for performing simple CRUD operations.

Typically a user creates a new instance of a context using this, as shown below. So that the entire resource containing context controls is eliminated.

The example above comes out of my personal work experience. The files are not perfect yet and need updating but I think they should show real-world examples rather than random examples.


Your database is created for your project, so now we need to learn how to use your models & Entity Framework. To perform basic CRUD actions (create, read, update, delete), you must use DBContext.

The DBContext class as a member of your model allows you to write a query and execute the query. DBContext can be retrieved under DBModel. Context.tt on Solution Explorer.

Code first approach

Code begins with creating a database that has not yet existed in a class design. During changes to class configuration you will also need to update your database configuration.

This is widely accepted because of its flexibility in allowing control in code without restriction in the data base.

Database first approach

Databases - first use databases. The database must begin constructing tables/relationships. The method generates a class for you to conform to your database structure. It allows you to modify databases by hand or update class correlation automatically.

Code first and database first

How can we use Entity Framework in applications? This different approach can have different advantages so it is your decision to decide the best approach according to your requirements.

Articles about Entity Framework

Top 10 Benefits of Upgrading from EF6 to EF Core

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, staying current with the latest technologies is essential for building robust and efficient applications. For those working with Entity Framework, upgrading from Entity Framework 6 (EF6) to Entity Framework Core (EF Core) presents a myriad of benefits, offering a leap forward in terms of performance, flexibility, and platform support. In this post, we'll explore the advantages that come with making this transition.

How to Solve Threading Issues with Entity Framework and C#

Entity Framework (EF) is a powerful object-relational mapping framework that simplifies data access in C#. However, when working with multiple threads, you may encounter a common error message: "A second operation was started on this context instance before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext." This error typically occurs when multiple threads attempt to access and modify the same DbContext instance simultaneously. In this article, we will discuss how to avoid threading issues with DbContext in Entity Framework.

Asynchronous Usage of DbContext in Entity Framework

In modern application development, it is crucial to ensure responsiveness and scalability. Asynchronous programming is an effective approach to achieve this goal. Entity Framework is a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET, and it provides support for asynchronous database operations. In this article, we will explore how to use DbContext asynchronously in Entity Framework, along with code examples and detailed explanations.

How to Fix The Relationship between the Two Objects Error in Entity Framework

If you're tired of encountering the Entity Framework error message "The relationship between the two objects cannot be defined because they are attached to different ObjectContext objects," this blog post will help you understand why it happens and how to prevent it from happening again.

The Entity Type [EntityName] Requires a Primary Key: Here's How to Fix It

Master primary keys in Entity Framework like a pro with our detailed guide featuring C# code examples, and conquer the infamous "The entity type [EntityName] requires a primary key to be defined" error message once and for all.

Preventing race conditions with sp_getapplock

This article covers sp getapplock / releaselock storage procedures and its use in a simple way including simple functions that can be used with Entity Framework and C#.

Entity Framework Core Database First (with examples)

Entity Framework database first approach is very common with existing databases or where you need more control than EF code first. Let's look at some examples.

What is lazy loading in Entity Framework

In this article, you’ll discover why lazy loading with Entity Framework is so beneficial and how you can implement it yourself.

Executing raw SQL queries using Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework Core allows users to execute raw SQL queries directly against the database. Let me show you how.

Updating specific fields using Entity Framework

Let me show you how to use Entity Framework to update only changed fields when doing a SaveChanges with a handy re-usable function.

The specified type member is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported

This morning I was writing an Entity Framework query where I was selecting an object from a model called Invoice to a table called NetsuiteErrorLog. This previously used to be an actual relationship in my EDMX; however, I needed to do some refactoring and remove the direct foreign key from Invoice to NetsuiteErrorLog. When I did this I needed to add a new partial property that mimicked this relationship. When I did that and tried to perform my query I received the generic error:

The specified type member 'NetsuiteErrorLog' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported

Detaching specific objects using Entity Framework before SaveChanges

Sometimes in large processes that span across multiple classes, it's possible that an entity is added to Entity Framework's context tracking. I've run into this scenario where we accidentally save things that get immediately deleted afterwards.

Let's look at a neat solution that will allow you to detach specific objects out of Entity Framework's context. In theory this can go in several places: In the code you know causes the entities to be added or before the call to SaveChanges. In this example we'll look at the latter because it is a nice and generic spot.

Entity Framework Stored Procedure Returns No Columns

I was recently adding a new stored procedure to my Entity Framework EDMX (database first) when no columns were being recognized by EF. I was slightly confused by this, luckily I found this simple solution. At the top of your stored procedure definition, add SET FMTONLY OFF. I suggest only adding this setting temporarily; further explanation is below.

Using ActionFilterAttribute to validate all form input

I'm a big fan of using ActionFilterAttribute to apply a global filter on every single ASP.NET MVC request. I am going to create a custom filter that will implement ActionFilterAttribute to validate that the ModelState is valid for all POST or PUT requests.

Improving the performance of slow Entity Framework queries

I'm a big fan of Entity Framework. It makes working with databases very convenient. I've discussed previously how I use Entity Framework to implement the repository pattern. Of course with ease of development sometimes sacrifices performance. In today's article I'm going to explain my favorite approach to improve the performance of Entity Framework queries that are slow.

Entity Framework's Code-First with an ObjectContext

If the following blog interests you, it's probably because you're using Entity Framework with a Code-First approach and whatever it is you are trying to do *must* use an ObjectContext instead of the standard DbContext. I'm sure, like me, you thought this shouldn't be too hard. Then you started hitting roadblocks like, Metadata is required in your connection string. What's metadata? This is only needed in Database-First so you can tell the framework where your edmx and other definition files are, so why do I need this with Code-First, I don't have these files?

This was definitely my first reaction as well. So after much trial-and-error and research, I have the solution!

Entity Framework Beginner’s Guide Done Right

Entity framework is a great ORM provided by Microsoft.  There are a ton of examples of how to get up and running with it really quickly.  The only problem with all of them, is the get you off on the wrong foot.

In all of the EF example guides, the DbContext class is typically deeply embedded into the core of your code.  This of course is great for Entity framework because the effort to change will be next to impossible – speaking from experience of course here.

Instead, by making some subtle changes we can integrate Entity framework in a separate layer in case at some later date you wish to replace it.  Of course, you might never need to replace it, but following these simple techniques will allow better segregation of code and even provide simpler unit testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Entity Framework?

You'll find some useful tips on the following topics. Creating MVC websites. Install website style. Install Entity Framework 5.

  • Creating data models.

  • Create data base configuration.

  • Delete the data in the database.

  • Setup EF6 using a local database.

  • Make controller & view controller.

How can I learn Entity Framework?

Object Relational Mapping (ORM based framework) is designed to allow the development process to store a database data using an automated process to access a database.

What is the purpose of using Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework enables the development of a database with data based objects and property domain specific, for example customer addresses and address.

What is Entity Framework in programming?

Entity Framework is a relational oriented mapping framework. Application for Internet. Object relations can also be used when using object-oriented programming languages.

What is Entity Framework in C#?

Entity framework is a relational database management software framework that allows developers to store information from databases using automated tools and processes.

How do I practice Entity Framework?

This tutorial will cover the following: Build an MVC web application.

  • Configuring the website design.

  • Installing Framework 5.

  • Describe data models.

  • Create a database context.

  • Set up a database for testing.

  • Setup EEF Six using LocalDB.

  • Give controller view for users.

What is use of Entity Framework in MVC?

Entity frameworks are ORM tools. ORM Object Relational Mapping is based upon interacting with relational databases. Basically, all of these things are related to database classes, methods and properties.

How long does it take to learn Entity Framework?

Given how EF allows for Rapid Application Development, especially with CRUD operations that following the several examples I have written over the years will have you up and running on your first project in days if not even hours.

What is difference between Entity Framework and LINQ?

Entity Framework is an object-based mapping (ORM) framework used in the creation of external data sources, whose database is usually SQL Server. Linq is a query language integrated into C# with a number of extensions methods for good applications.

What can you do with Entity Framework?

Entity Framework allows developers to use data in the form of domain-specific objects and properties such as customer addresses.

Is it good to use Entity Framework?

Entity Framework is a perfect tool for a database application. When I developed the application LINQ to SQL, the developers suggested deploying Entity Framework. It's because it doesn't have any future support. Entity Framework 4 if I remember correctly. NET 4 is incredibly powerful compared to earlier releases.

What is the benefit of Entity Framework?

Which is best approach to building entities for business? Entity Frameworks help in limiting development costs. Using it the developer is free to create code and visually map data structures. This identifies business objects quickly and efficiently.

What is Entity Framework for dummies?

Entity Framework was created for Microsoft to provide Object Relational Mapper support. Web application development. This tool enables you to quickly connect the object of the code to the data from your database.

How do I code first in Entity Framework?

Step 1: Start by creating the console app from files New - Project Step 2. Choose windows in the upper left corner. Step 3. Select EF code for first demonstration. Step 4: Right-click the solution and select the NuGet package manager.

What is Entity Framework and how it works?

Entity Framework helps developers work with specific domain data, like client addresses, without having any concerns over the database tables where the data is collected.

What is meant by the Entity Framework?

Entity frameworks (EF) are object-related mappers which enable. NET developers are capable of working with recursively arranged relational data in domains. The system removes most of the data-access code developers normally write.

Is Efcore an ORM?

Entity framework Core is a relational mapping tool. It has been built by Microsoft enables users to abstractly use databases to create new products.

Is Entity Framework 6 still supported?

Versions 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 do not provide new support. Entity-level structure. 5. X will continue to be supported, but it's not yet being built and will only receive updates for safety.

Does Entity Framework work with .NET 6?

NET Framework, because Entity Framework 6 cannot be used in the application. Corenet. For the cross-platform features, the user must upgrade to Entity Framework Core. A suggested way to use Entity Framework 6 is to put EF6 models and context classes into the corresponding library.

Can we use ADO.NET and Entity Framework together?

EF uses ADOnet to create the same functionality and does the same for all users.

What is ADO.NET vs Entity Framework?

ADO NET entities are ORMs (object relational mapping / mapping) that create higher abstract object models over ADO.NET components. Entities Framework is based upon ADO.NET. This makes them almost identical performance (perhaps the entity framework might be faster).

What is ado net entity data model?

Known as Entity Data Model, EDM describes data structure in all its stored form. The EDM borrowed primarily from the entity-relationship model of 1974 described by Peter Chen, however it also extends the entity-relationship model.

What is the difference between EF6 and EF core?

Keep using EF6 if EF6 has a stable data access code that doesn't require any change or changes. Porting EF Core to applications if data access code changes or apps require new features which are not available in EF Core. The porting of EFS Core has a lot of performance benefits.

What is the use of Entity Framework in MVC?

Entities Framework are open-source ORM frameworks. Applications available from Microsoft. It lets developers use data objects within specific domain classes without focusing on a database, data table or columns they've created.

What is Entity Framework in MVC?

Entity framework uses ORM to map objects relationally. Relational maps are methods that allow for the access of relational databases. Basically anything having a table or storage procedure that we interact with a database class and method.


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