This is a handy little bit of SQL when you want to find rows in a specific table that have non-ASCII characters. In the following example, you specify the table in your database and the code will search all rows in that table and all nvarchar columns with non-ASCII characters leveraging the SQL substring between two characters.
The output will be a list of the table field names and what invalid characters they are.
Let's take a look at the code.
The example above usess nvarchar but can be easily adapted to varchar as well by changing this line: c.DATA_TYPE = 'nvarchar' Published on Jun 10, 2022 Tags: SQL Tutorials for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Users
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@sql varchar(max) = ''
,@table sysname = 'customer' -- enter your table here
;with ColumnData as (
RowId = row_number() over (order by c.COLUMN_NAME)
,ColumnName = '[' + c.COLUMN_NAME + ']'
,TableName = '[' + c.TABLE_SCHEMA + '].[' + c.TABLE_NAME + ']'
c.DATA_TYPE = 'nvarchar'
and c.TABLE_NAME = @table
@sql = @sql + 'select FieldName = ''' + c.ColumnName + ''', InvalidCharacter = [' + c.COLUMN_NAME + '] from ' + c.TableName + ' where ' + c.ColumnName + ' collate LATIN1_GENERAL_BIN != cast(' + c.ColumnName + ' as varchar(max)) ' + case when c.RowId <> (select max(RowId) from ColumnData) then ' union all ' else '' end + char(13)
ColumnData c
-- check
-- print @sql
exec (@sql)
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