I use GitHub everyday. I don't like the UI, it's slow and cumbersome. So instead I use a combination of Powershell and posh-git; it's the only tools I use. In this article I'm going to show you how to create shortcut commands like merge2master and merge2dev that automate the repeatable tasks of maintaining a development and master branch with GitHub.
To get started you need to create a Powershell profile. To see if your profile file already exists go to your ~/My Documents/WindowsPowershell and look for Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1. If it already exists, open it with your favorite text editor; otherwise, create this file now.
Whenever I am ready to deploy new features I need to merge my changes from the development branch to the master branch. I accomplish this as follows:
My code is now successfully moved from the development branch to the master branch. I often find myself performing this every two weeks. So much tedious tension.
Enter Powershell. The following code is a Powershell function called merge2master that contains the exact same commands as above:
Now inside of Powershell I can simply type merge2master and the process of automating the merge to master is completed.
You may have to close and re-open Powershell as you make changes to your profile for it to take affect.
Next let's create a function called merge2dev. I use this function when I have to perform a hotfix on the master branch and want to keep my development branch up-to-date. The function is almost the same with the order reversed.
I've create a variety of other Git shortcuts as well:
All of the above functions basically save me from having to prefix everything with "git". 4 keystrokes saved each time! Published on Apr 16, 2019 Tags: Uncategorized
| powershell
| git
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No matter the programming language you're looking to learn, I've hopefully compiled an incredible set of tutorials for you to learn; whether you are beginner
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The standard merge development to master
git checkout development
git pull
git checkout master
git pull
git merge development
git push
The awesomeness of Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Function merge2master {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git checkout development
git pull
git checkout master
git pull
git merge development
git push
} # End of Process
Function merge2dev {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout development
git pull
git merge master
git push
} # End of Process
Function pull {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git pull
} # End of Process
Function push {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git push
} # End of Process
Function status {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git status
} # End of Process
Function add {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git add -A
} # End of Process
Function dev {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git checkout development
} # End of Process
Function master {
Param ()
# End of Parameters
Process {
git checkout master
} # End of Process
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