Catching multiple exceptions with C# Catching multiple exceptions with C#

Exception handling with Try/catch blocks are a part of my everyday life. But I’m not a fan of catching all exceptions. I prefer handling only the ones I expect to be thrown in specific situations where I want to explicitly do catching multiple exceptions. Of course I can accomplish this with multiple catch blocks, but when they all do common things I would like a simpler way to avoid code duplication. Another great example would be how to use C# Convert any value to a boolean.

Table of contents:

Example with multiple catch blocks:

    var doSomething = new FormatException();
catch (FormatException ex)
    Log.Error(string.Format("FormatException occurred: {0}", ex.Message));
catch (OverflowException ex)
    Log.Error(string.Format("OverflowException occurred: {0}", ex.Message));

In this example the only difference is the start of the error logging string, but imagine you needed to return a common response object with a success boolean in your first catch block of the exception handler. In the above example of the catch clause there is some code duplication of Log.Error that I would like to avoid in the catch block to reduce unnecessary repetitive code simply to log exceptions outside the try block.

Catching Generic Exception ex

So in an example like this, I prefer to catch the generic Exception ex and handle the specific types; otherwise, throw the exception to be handled higher up in the code:

    var doSomething = new FormatException();
catch (Exception ex)
	if (ex is FormatException || ex is OverflowException) {
		Log.Error(string.Format("{0} occurred: {1}", ex.Type.Name, ex.Message));

The above code checks that the exception type is one of the exceptions we want to handle and performs the same logging we wanted to accomplish in the first example. If the exception is something else I’m using the throw outside of the try block so any other exception will bubble up the code base to ensure I’ve got all the exceptions using the exception filter expressions for when an exception raised.

Two catch blocks

In most of the if statement I have a mix of catch clauses or just a single catch block for specific exceptions when I expect zero exception. In the source code I’ve got a mix of re throw, returns false for my type of exception for multiple types. The following example uses the try catch block where the error occurred to avoid compile time error. When I want to display the appropriate message to leave the stack unharmed I can catch different exceptions and even throw a new exception with a switch case if I’d like which is very similar to using a CASE Statement in SQL.

In C# there are multiple catch blocks in try block. Multiple blocks are usually used when handling different kinds of exceptions; each block can handle different kinds of exceptions in a specific application.

Ex. Implementation of multiple catch blocks in C#. Here are two block catchers for an attempted block. The first catch block uses DivideB byZeroException class as input parameter while the second catch block uses FormatException class for input.

Exception handling in C#

Here we’ll explain how exceptions handle C# using catch, try and last block techniques. Exceptions in a software application should prevent the crash and unexpected output, log exceptions and continue using other functions. Currently, C# has built-in support for handling Exceptions via Try Catch and Block based methods. Try blocks are placed in the try block. If a failure occurs in the operation, control movements jump into the second matching catch block. The catch block is a block for an exception that handles the exception.

In catch blocks where fewer than one exception is spotted the rule becomes a specialty rule. This means that the corresponding hierarchy of exceptions can catch base exceptions only rather than catch multiple specialized exceptions.

When an exception is made, the catch clause is repeated. An exception is assigned to the named catch clause parameters and is evaluated. If true the entire catch phrase is evaluated, and any other catch phrase will be missed.

Catch multiple exceptions in C#

For exception handling I’m never limited to only two catch blocks to catch multiple exceptions, in fact I can just catch a generic catch exception ex or is formatexception ex. The catch arguments typical contains a single argument in my class program for my when keyword especially when I want to use a switch case to avoid repetitive code where the error occurred.

Multiple catch exception handler

The goal of our code is to always have zero exception in our class program or inside the public static void main for our exception filters. Inside a try block when we catch exception ex the most compile time error I want to handle is to log exceptions to avoid unnecessary repetitive code for my specific exception type.

How to catch multiple exceptions with C#?

Tries block statements contain statements in which an exception occurs. A try block is always followed by a catching block addressing an exception to a similar try block. Sometimes one attempt block has many trap blocks. During a block capture, you may see different types of exception. Occasionally, however, it causes repetitive code:

Catching Multiple Exceptions Separately

We need specific data on the possible exceptions for which we need specific instructions for each exception. For this situation if you need to catch exceptions individually it would be best to use a separate catch block. Lets say you take 2 numbers from a user and divide this number up. Because the data is stored in string format, it should be converted to digits in numerical format. We’ll also explain how something goes wrong. Then we use multiple catching to convert a parameter to an unsigned integer type using Convert.

Exception Filters

You can create several Catch Blocks by modifying different Types of exceptions. This can be termed an exception filter. Exception filtering is helpful when dealing with different types of exceptions. The above sample shows several catch-blocks with different types of exceptions. We can send users a notification of their errors depending on the errors and prevent repeating them. Multiple catch blocks of identical exception types is allowed. Catch Block are defined as the base Exception Blocks.

C# uses catching and attempts to create several different blocks of code. Usually a single catch block handles a number of types of exception, meaning a catch block can be used for handling a variety of exceptions.

Separating exceptions in a single catch block

We can divide an exception in an isolated block using the single catch Switch Case method. Luckily switch ex recognizes the types of ex variables and compares this to the case. On the opposite side we may also use if-else patterns rather than switching case models. To manage the exceptions in separate blocks we can also use the switch patterns syntax. Let us use the Single Catch Switch Pattern method.

It’s not possible for an individual to execute dozens of block catch. When the first catch block gets tucked, it cannot read another block.

Order of exceptions : If catching blocks are present for one attempt, you should check whether the catch blocks that catch the higher-level exception classes have the last in order.

Catching Multiple Exceptions in a Single Catch Block

Sometimes it must happen for every exception. This can be accomplished through using the single-catch-block approach. Specify the types of exceptions. We’ve created the method a single Catch With when for exploring the model. We combine each possible exception to one catch block with a keyword When. There is a more simple way of declaring exceptions for catch blocks.

Switch on the types of exception

You’ll be able to eliminate code duplication through catch systems. Exception handling the specified type - otherwise, throws a new exception which has been dealt with earlier in the code.

Here are some common questions that I hope I’ve answered for you:

  • Can you catch multiple exceptions C#?
  • How do you catch multiple exceptions?
  • Can I have multiple catch clauses?
  • Can multiple catch blocks be executed?
  • What is the order if there are multiple catch blocks?
  • Can I use more than one try block to catch multiple exceptions?
  • Can one try have more than one catch clause?
  • How do you handle multiple catch blocks in C#?

Java Catch Multiple Exception. A try block may follow another block. Catch block contain separate exception handling tools. Similarly, if your work has multiple tasks when different exceptions occur it should be performed using the Java multiple catch block.

Yes, you’re allowed to create a try block using multiple catch blocks. Each attempt should be linked in one way.

For different exceptions created through single test blocks, we use Java’s multiple catch block for Java.

Published on Jul 9, 2022

Tags: ASP.NET MVC and Web API Tutorial | c# | exception

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