You have SVGs that you wish to display on your website but you want to be able to re-use them without copying and pasting the code or creating a shared view.
By creating an HtmlExtension class with a function called Svg you can create a centralized place to store and re-use your SVGs.
I'm turning into a big fan of extension classes as I discussed when creating a string extension for my HasValue function. To begin I will create a skeleton HtmlExtension class with the Svg function. The function will accept a string as input which will be a unique name for your SVG. This will allow you to easily expand this class to display many different SVGs by passing in a different SVG name. Next, let's expand this class to return different SVGs. For simplicities sake, I will use a switch statement which is similar to a CASE Statement in SQL for each SVG name. I have also added two optional parameters: width and height. These parameters allow for easily changing the height of the SVG on a per implementation basis. In the above example there are two svgs created: calendar and check. After this extension class is created, inside your Razor templates (cshtml) you can use it as follows: @Html.Svg("calendar"). This not only makes it easy to globally change an svg, but it makes your views contain less code for readability. Published on Feb 16, 2019 Tags: ASP.NET MVC and Web API Tutorial
| c#
| htmlextension
| svg
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Creating an Html Extension
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
namespace System.Web.Mvc
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static IHtmlString Svg(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string svgName, int width = 50, int height = 50)
var svg = string.Empty;
return new HtmlString(svg);
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
namespace System.Web.Mvc
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static IHtmlString Svg(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string svgName,int width = 50,int height = 50)
var svg = string.Empty;
switch (svgName.ToLower())
case "calendar":
svg = string.Format(@"
@Html.Svg in your Razor View
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